Sunday, 4 November 2012

Life challenge - weeks 33-34 - exercise and food

Move your body
 I enjoy exercise, when I do it. Before kids I was at the gym 4-6 times per week. I would go before work and on the weekends. Since having kids (my son is now 6), my gym membership comes and goes. I'm currently not a member as I've prioritised spending time with the kids. I get home from work at 6pm and I want to spend time with them. At the gym I prefer the classes - and the last one is 7.30pm - so I just can't fit it in as well as spending time with the kids. I have a treadmill at home, along with Jillian Michael's exercise DVDs and the wii with wii fit and wii active. I was a

I ran the city to bay (12km) in September in 1 hour and 5 minutes! I was so proud. But since then my exercise has been lacking. This week I decided it was time to get back on the bike (or treadmill as the case may be). I aimed to do 3 sessions, with the plan to increase it back to 4 as I was doing before the city to bay in a few weeks. I felt like I failed....but if I really think about it, I think I did okay in the end. I ran on the treadmill on Monday.  Then nothing, nothing, nothing until Saturday. On Saturday I did the wii. I started a 30 day challenge on the wii fit. So I did day 1 (only was 15 minutes), followed by 20 minutes or so of wii fit - yoga and hoola hoops and balance exercises. Then today I did another 30 minutes on the wii (day 2 of the 30 day challenge - tomorrow is rest day for the challenge). It is quite different to a full  on work out at the gym - and even different to running on the treadmill. But I need to get a more rounded workout, rather than just running. So even though I didn't feel I had worked that much, today I was sore in the muscles - I certainly felt it.

I'm planning to get more even with my exercise this week. I've planned a work out for Monday (treadmill), Wednesday and Friday. I'm going to mix up treadmill, Wii and the exercise DVDs.

Eating habits
I want to lose a few kilos, so decided I was also going to start watching what I eat better this week. We meal plan already, have done for years. It's too stressful without it!  I have a thermomix so can cook things from scratch.  I thought I had done quite well with the eating, but did have a naughty lunch on Saturday with my sister in law (pizza and pasta at Caffe Primo). But when I weighted today I had put on 400g. Hmm so something isn't working. My hubby wants to lose weight too - so this week I'm going to monitor what I eat again. Less snacking and more healthy options.


  1. Congratulations Bec, small changes - one step at a time and you will see the difference. I never thought I'd enjoy going to the gym and now if I don't go I feel lost.
    Don't be too hard on yourself.

  2. Good luck Bec. I sure miss my gym days.
    I think I need to dust off my wii or kinnect xx

    Ps. It's Danni for some reason I am having trouble posting on blogger accounts.
